Category Archives: Facebook

How to generate more clicks through social media sharing

Email messages that include a social media sharing option like Twitter, Facebook and Linked In, generate a higher click-through rate (CTR) than those without sharing options. According to a study by GetResponse, messages with three or more sharing options generate an even higher CTR. This phenomenon tells us it’s not enough to integrate campaigns with […]

Email Summit Miami 2010 short wrap-up PPT

I wanted to share with you a short wrap-up presentation about the key findings of the MarketingSherpa Email Marketing Summit in Miami. It’s a short one, but I’m still working on the longer version. We’ll keep you posted. Kenny Van Beeck

2010 email marketing predections

An overview of some famous quotes and predictions on email marketing in 2010: “Because email is inherently effective, marketers get away with poor processes and little innovation and still are able to produce better ROI than their other marketing efforts” – Jeff Hilimire, chief digital officer, Engauge “More sophisticated use of analytics will help marketers […]

Day 3 @ the Miami MarketingSherpa Email

The last day of this Miami summit was all about social and permission marketing. It hits me that the US (opt-out) market is “finally” using the advantage of working in a 100% opt-in concept. That was exactly the link between social media and deliverability and the topics of today. Social media are used to get […]

Day 2 @ the Miami MarketingSherpa Email – part 1

Keynote speaker Joseph Jaffe presented his new book and theory “Flip the funnel”. Joseph is mostly known as being an expert in social media and is a famous speaker on that topic. What is this new theory anyway? I think it is something like Fred Reicheld’s customer loyalty, but more social media style. Some snapshots: […]

Email Marketing Master Class Speaker on YouTube

Master Class speaker, Kenny Van Beeck, on YouTube. More info on the EmailGarage MasterClasses, here.  A one day course with all the insights of tomorrow’s email marketing techniques. Be quick, only 5 seats left.!!

Email is dead … and never been so alive!

When a few years ago RSS came up, mash-ups were born and networking sites became a hype, some people claimed it was the slow death of email. In fact, this is what happened. When you look to Xobni, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google search, … what do they all have in common? Yes, email messages. It is […]

EmailGarage blog on FaceBook blognetworks

For all the Facebook fans out there, you can find us in our brand new Facebook blognetwork. Just surf to and add it to you personal Facebook. Enjoy !!